
Main interface update

A project log for Web security everywhere

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arcadia-labsArcadia Labs 09/04/2014 at 02:060 Comments

I just pushed a new update to the interface script. The new features include :

- a new menu, a lot more touch friendly, The older one was made for keyboard navigation, and touch navigation could sometimes pose problems,

- a screen timeout has been implemented. The interface shuts down after a user-defined delay, and comes back with a touch anywhere on the display. It should help improve the battery life a lot (it was 6-7h on the 10000mAh external battery). I will make some battery benchmarks soon.

- I started making the code compatible on both Raspberry Pi and Banana Pi

I will certainly post a new youtube video during the week end.

Other than that, I'm currently making tests for a very robust privacy tool (still transparent). I may talk about it very soon also.

I also published two design documents in the project details. Feel free to comment them.


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