
One more software update

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arcadia-labsArcadia Labs 09/06/2014 at 19:160 Comments

There are some nice news :

- I solved the battery / overheat instability with a small enclosure modification : I just had to drill one more big hole just above the battery, and build the display board with a little more room for heat to dissipate. It is now running without a glitch.

- I completely changed the main menu. It is now very touch friendly.

- the screen timeout is now completely configurable from the menu. I calculated the screen timeout function should add 15% more time on battery

- I'm currently adding the battery monitoring code to the main interface. It shows powering mode (AC / Battery), battery voltage, unit voltage and amperage, USB voltage, and charging circuit temperature. Next step will be to write a battery percentage function, add it to the main screen with a nice little icon, like a smartphone interface. The low power mode on low battery works like a charm already.

On a side note, I wish to thank the people who voted on the features poll. I'm very surprised about the results, even if there's not many votes (yet).

Please continue giving your opinions, the next prototype is in the works already, and I really want to know what you are expecting about it.

Features poll


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