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A project log for Web security everywhere

Secure your Internet, control your data, fight censorship. Bring your autonomous all in one privacy device everywhere.

arcadia-labsArcadia Labs 09/14/2014 at 15:170 Comments

As mentionned, I had a show on wednesday : some swiss CEO and technician wanted to see my prototype. This was a very informative moment, we had some great talk about the whole concept.

Now, I know people and corporations are very interested in it. I just had to do a small demonstration, under their own corporate network, to make the prototype speak by itself.

I see swiss people are very interested about the "physical security" features : 

Although, I know the actual prototype is not enough. It is very nice for the client side, but corporations are also interested in the server side. They want the server side to provide 4x ethernet hub/switch, I'm actually thinking about this feature. I know the BPi-R1 open router could provide everything I need, but it's not released yet. I'm actually trying to get an engineering prototype, but I may have it in a month.

On the other hand, I'm now invited to HP Europe headquarters in Geneva to test it from their corporate network. This is again a great opportunity for some great talks about the concept. This show will take place after the september 28, as I still have a lot of work until the next contest vote...

So, since wednesday, and taking into account the discussions we had here with GeremyCondra, Dan and other people, I'm doing some big changes.

The project is now two devices :

People really want the touch interface, so I rebuilt the software from scratch, using notro Raspbian image. I removed every unnecessary parts from it and kept only what is needed for the device to work. There is no more Apache, PHP, MySQL, X desktop, camera, etc... I will post an installed components list for everyone to check. I may have some more to remove.

I'm also trying to move to Moebius OS, as it is a minimal Raspbian. However I would have to rebuild the touch display kernel for it, and time is missing... So while I'm working on it, the actual prototype is still Raspbian based : I need it to work for the shows.

It is still Raspberry Pi-B based, as I don't have the BPi-R1 device to build it yet. I also think it is a good idea to build it around a well known board. It will allow a lot of people to build it at home.

I tried Kali Linux and Moebius, but I think a specialized router distro would be the better choice. So, I'm actually building OpenWRT from scratch for this second device. I think It would also be easier to move to a different board.

However it still needs some kind of physical interface. I don't plan to use a touch display on it (although it would be nice), but I may use some I2C LCD display and a small keypad, as it doesn't require some big librairies.

I would like to know your opinions about these changes. What do you think about them ?


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