
Collaborative Programming with Tobor: the Robotic Arm

A project log for Evezor Robotics and Automation Platform

A Networked set Robotic Arms, Motion platforms, sensors and more. Easily programmed with a drag and drop interface.

anfroholicanfroholic 11/18/2024 at 11:300 Comments

Collaborative programming lets humans and robots team up, boosting efficiency, learning, and innovation across industries. Perfect for automation!

Drag around Tobor's arm to create way points and then use those to create a program.

In this first video we just create a simple program that goes through a few waypoints, touches on some python and machine code, but keeps things pretty simple.

We will be creating some text based accompaniments to this tutorial shortly, but wanted to share our progress. 

The best ways to get all the source files and stay up to date is to subscribe on Crowd Supply or to follow us here. Thank you!
