
Computer fan

A project log for Almost Perpetual Motion

a no (wishful, but it's gonna be close) emission motor

actualdragonActualDragon 04/24/2017 at 18:1110 Comments

okay, lets all admit it. a lot of the computer fan free energy things are fake. here's the most promising one i could find

if you watch, the speed varies as the big magnet gets closer (a major proof) and he shows the interior (where the batteries are usually kept. the way i see it, if you get magnets like these

Image result for disk magnet magnetic field

then there's a good chance of it working. i'll order tonight, let's see


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Frank Buss wrote 04/25/2017 at 19:23 point

He has other videos as well, even easier construction, no moving parts:

Of course it is faked :-) I wonder how he did it?

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ActualDragon wrote 04/25/2017 at 23:38 point

i watched that, funny though how he says he wont tell how to make them

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 04/25/2017 at 07:29 point

Must be fake, he left out the internal toroidal magnet and the fan is way too blue to actually work. I have dozens of free energy machines in my basement, all of them do have toroidal magnets.

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ActualDragon wrote 04/25/2017 at 13:36 point

wait, do they work?

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 04/25/2017 at 13:39 point

Only the non-blue ones.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/25/2017 at 18:35 point

Your free energy machines must explain all your energy poured into your projects :-)

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ActualDragon wrote 04/24/2017 at 18:29 point

thats interesting you said that- the top comment said can you do another video with it running on the floor and using your left hand

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davedarko wrote 04/24/2017 at 18:16 point

there's a pwmed coil under the cardboard box, he alternates the speed with his left hand.

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ActualDragon wrote 04/24/2017 at 18:17 point


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davedarko wrote 04/24/2017 at 18:24 point

or it's just the initial impulse of his moving hand. Not sure, I'm looking forward to your analysis :)

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