
Alternatives to Raspberry-Pi cameras

A project log for Elephant AI

a system to prevent human-elephant conflict by detecting elephants using machine vision, and warning humans and/or repelling elephants

neil-k-sheridanNeil K. Sheridan 05/11/2017 at 19:010 Comments

I was thinking today about changing to use GoPro cameras instead. You can connect these to the raspberry pi using an HDMI-CSI bridge (e.g.

There's a video here about using GoPro Hero for computer vision with the raspberry pi:

And you can also remove the IR-filtered lens from the GoPro Hero 3 or 4 and replace it with a non-IR filtered for night-vision. As shown in this video:

The GoPro Hero 3 is around £130, whilst the Hero 4 is around £400. So this approach makes for more expense, but it's worth testing!
