
Testing movement assemblies

A project log for OSUG: Open-Source Underwater Glider

A versatile autonomous environmental drone using a buoyancy engine

alexwalexw 04/22/2017 at 11:222 Comments

As I have printed all of the components and assembled the glider, I was able to hook up the stepper motors to A4988 stepper motor drivers and an Arduino and test the movement assemblies of the glider.

Below is a video showing the movement of the movement sub-systems.

The code that was ran on the Arduino is found on the project's GitHub page here.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll select components to use and produce another build log outlining the rationale for selecting the components, before going on and producing the schematics/PCB.


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Alain Mauer wrote 04/25/2017 at 13:34 point

Love the video, very good explanation of the details

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Peter McCloud wrote 04/23/2017 at 02:10 point

Cool video. Your hardware is coming along nicely.

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