
Starting the HDMI (ARC) input module

A project log for Modular Open-Source AV Receiver

A specification and reference implementation for a modular audio/visual receiver

andrew-bolinAndrew Bolin 04/11/2017 at 11:322 Comments

I'm using the Explore EP91H0 chip, because it's the simplest way I could find to add HDMI ARC (that's all the chip does, no video stuff).

What's ARC? "Audio Return Channel". When you plug your amplifier to your TV with an HDMI cable, the TV is able to send audio *back* to the amplifier, despite the TV's HDMI socket being an input (in HDMI parlance the TV is a "sink", and the amplifier is supposedly a "source").

I've also made the schematics a bit modular, using a common sheet for stuff that I expect to be used on most modules (in future I will refine this with further sub-sheets for mandatory / optional bits).


Robert Kim wrote 02/07/2019 at 21:52 point

Looks like Lattice Semiconductor came out with Enhanced Audio Return Channel chip for HDMI 2.1 claiming to have 8-ch I2S interface @ 192 KHz and Dolby Atmos & DTS:X capability.

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Earl Watkins II wrote 11/11/2017 at 21:32 point

I am wanting to start a project with an HDMI ARC receiver. I am curious how you went about finding an IC, ie what search terms you utilized as well as what distributors you searched.

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