
MPMMM - Midi Poison Midi Message Modifier

Allow scripts to be written to modify midi signals on the fly or via table lookup. Scalar Mute mutes notes not in desired scale.

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Allow scripts to be written to modify midi signals on the fly or via table lookup. Scalar Mute mutes notes not in desired scale. Symmetrical Harmonization mirrors keyboard mutes to a scale then user picks a note and the keys are mirrored either offset plays mirror only or harmony plays pressed note and mirrored.

See prototype code using alsa lib. also github

keyFlip works on Linux and flips the keyboard on Middle D. I will make a table to quickly edit the midi data on the fly. I was thinking of a large 128X128X128 matrix... unless theres an easier relative look up method but I am not sure which has less latency.

I need some input on adding a scripting language for customizable plugins.

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Ember Leona wrote 03/21/2017 at 11:17 point

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