
A fun project idea. Water powered microcar.

A project log for A Safe(r) HHO gas carburetor for small engines.

No more gas, diesel, or propane. Run it on WATER!

thethriftstorehackerTheThriftstoreHacker 06/17/2017 at 04:300 Comments

On my YouTube channel i build all kinds of neat things. Currently i have a recumbent bike and an adult sized trike collecting dust in my shed. I figure since i will be running an engine with the HHO generator i should hook it to something. With the front end from the recumbent and the rear end of the standard trike i will cobble together a microcar chassis to test out my engine. Using a 4 wheeled design will allow me to mount 4 large solar panels as a canopy providing shade and weather protection for the rider and provide almost limitless daytime range for the vehicle.

I may need to go up to a 5hp engine for the project. I think it will put out an actual 3hp on HHO providing me with plenty of power to push 250lbs along at 15 to 25mph. Since personal funds and donations to my channel and projects are low this will be a cobbled together mess but i will plan to build a better one later on.
