So I found these files online and decided to print them out. I am currently having them be printed out by a friend. To scale, I first needed to find the scale, then had to add space for electronics, padding, kydex, and other things. I am about to start cutting some steel sheets for a forearm launcher. I am also programming the motherboard for RFID tags to control everything, and trying to Bluetooth sensors to Jarvis. I continue to ask myself how to get the gauntlet to have bio-metric sensors and open/close.
Here are some pictures of the 3d models wanted.
A picture of the parts wanted to be 3d printed.
**All credit given to Abb eliten for files**
A want of the frame.
**All credit given to maker from CGtrader, I do not own any of these files **
After this, I will start on developing the rocket systems and putting the 3d files together. I will start to also work on laser weaponry (forearm sentry, repulsor, and rocket guidance).
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