
Forearm Launcher Part 3

A project log for Iron Man Armor Mark 42

Using tech to make Iron man's armor.

walkerdevWalkerDev 03/30/2017 at 21:092 Comments

After much time, sanding, cutting and gluing, I finally got a Rocket down. It is with a triple fin design and explosive when launched. Here is a picture:

I am getting some stainless steel cut for the forearm launcher cut (by me) tomorrow or on Wednesday. I am trying to use as little coding as possible for this part. I also am deciding what color it should be (black? red and yellow?).

As for the rocket, I am trying to take the hot glue out from the bottom. The hot glue gives the rocket a bad look. I have some schematics (not to be shown yet) for the launcher, and I will be integrating it soon. For now, I will be making the flight stabilizers and the exo suit. Things are gonna get real fun now.


K.C. Lee wrote 03/30/2017 at 21:20 point

It's completely elegant, it's bafflingly beautiful, and it's capable of reducing the population of any standing structure to zero. I call it "The Ex-Wife."

―Justin Hammer

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 03/30/2017 at 22:08 point

nice quote :-D

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