Base unit (eNVIRO)
The base unit employs precision sensors that ensures accurate measurements of the environmental conditions. Through its huge 7" touchscreen display, it is possible to display the main environmental parameters as well as advanced parameter such as: dew point, heat index, absolute humidity, air density, carbon dioxide and particulate matter concentrattion. In addition, the unit fits a RTC for precision time and date keeping. The 3D-printed housing has a simple and elegant design; the 3D files will be available soon on Thingiverse.
Preliminary hardware list:
- SHT31 - Temperature and humidity sensor
- MS5611 - Absolute pressure
- DS3231 - Real time clock (not necessary if using eDOTcore board)
- MH-Z19 - NDIR Carbon dioxide sensor
- PMS5003 - Particulate matter 1, 2.5 and 10 sensor
- ITEAD Nextion NX8048t070-11 - 7" Touchscreen display
- eDOTcore or any Arduino board
See small preview of user interface development:
External sensor (eNVIRO sense)
The external units employs the same temperature and humidity sensor of the base unit that ensure to have the same accuracy. The sensor is housed inside a Stevenson screen that provides the necessary shielding of the sensor, hence allowing accurate measurement of the environmental conditions. The unit is powered by a 3.7V 1500mAh Li-Po battery; a 6V 2W solar panel ensures the battery to be charged during the daytime assuring continuous operation.
The 3D-printed parts are available for download on Thingiverse.
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