
Well, the glow didn't last after that last post...

A project log for OpenESpin

Building an Electrospinning machine for everyone.

douglas-millerDouglas Miller 04/16/2017 at 22:590 Comments

I knew too much had gone right today. :P

I got ready to run a batch with the rotary a little bit ago. Turns out, not so much, at least not today.

As it turns out I can't run the rotary with the polarity reversed on the HV side. The current takes a short cut from the drum to the rotary motor, shutting everything down. At least it only gets the Arduino confused and didn't kill it. So there is that.

Back as soon as I do a bit of redesign on the rotary. I might as well go ahead and order a proper slip ring for it while I'm at it and get rid of the 'close enough for government' work I have now.


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