a simple avoidance robot using a pair of sonar eyes for navigation. direction(length duration of individual wheel motor) and travel time(direction of both motors) will at some point in the future will be implimented for a crude rudimentary spacial awareness .(until it powers down and the information is lost). using arduino mega as the brain, and a rumble robot lower for wheels. Eventually i plan to add a large variety of sensors and a wireless data logging system, possibly a an RC function too.
UPDATE: Rummy got upgraded with automatic headlights(photo resistor), piezo speaker for audio output, DHT11 temp/humidity sensor(just because), blue fruit EZ link(so i can use my phone to control it sometimes, or receive sensor data) and a SS1306 OLED for continuous diagnostics, more to come as i think of stuff to put on it, lots of IO ports left open.