UPDATE 2k18: There are too many viruses out there to make files for each of them but having a filesystem w/ fileprefix & hash checks prevents virus binds w blocklists.
DFVP stands for Dummy File Virus Protection
Using the fact that two files with the same name cannot exist in the same directory a virus cannot install itself and hardcoded calls to viral components will fail. Using a virus list the batch installs dummy files with known virus names in directories like system32 A problem to that idea is a virus that is operated by its own changing name there will be an infinite possibility of viral names an configurations for example the directory path can contain encrypted assembly commands. Solution to that is having a custom executable header for each computer but that cannot be stored in an easily accessible global variable. This will change the executables name on different computers thus a virus will have difficulty using argv[0]
Need OS level system specific executable prefixing
Reserved Filename list for File System implementations
I think this helps in ubuntu "sudo sysctl kernel.nmi_watchdog=0" I learned that by searching for watchdog since it kept preventing this computer from shutdown. I pretty much run OS off DVD so I cannot be edited using Ubuntu Studio Live. But I would like to improve my webOS experience. My main computer has no internet
Thats why virus protection needs to be at the FileSystem level and system specific fileprefixing is need. Also renaming sudo might help ie cd /usr/bin && sudo mv sudo yournewfubardoname or rename cacls and takeown.exe
I updated the project log with useful information I prefer to use facebook and embed here on hackaday I wish they would make it easier or have a trusted app for facebook for embedables
17 million fake virus files might likely destroy a file allocation table but maybe we can rewrite filesystem to implement a reserved word list so virus names cannot be used as a file name. also a the system specfic executable prefixing would help argv[0] viruses.
I think an anteUNvirus might work? Its a batch or shell script that spams ctrl + C.