after scratching my head for a while I decided to open up .stack to see if any one was willing to help.
All though the code I was shown was very helpfull I didn't use any, Maybe when my project gets a bit more finalised then I will probs go back to have a look. I did manage to find a library that I had managed to over look before and that is fastLed.. From this I have managed to create a custom colour pallet which is basically white,yellow,orange,red, purple then blue. Yes I know it's not traditional sunset colours but am sure it will do for now. THe time lapse video doesn't really give the colours much justice but at least can see I starting to get somewhere with it.
Hopfully will be able to get the code up on the main board to send a pin high for sunrise and another pin high for sunset. I have already created a sunrise colour pallet and that is a basically the same as sunset but just in reverse order.
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my plan is to just have the led strip come on for only an hour after the main light mainly just for show but also so I can gradually make the tank dark then have no lights on until the morning.
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I know that's just a demo but have you considered whether using blue LEDs at night is a good idea? Blue light doesn't help you sleep. I have no idea what it does for fish behaviour/health. Just a thought.
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