
precognition in a game boy?

A project log for WIFI Game Boy Cartridge

ESP32 emulating to be a cartridge

davedarkodavedarko 05/13/2017 at 12:243 Comments

So I thought to myself, if the ESP is too slow, but the query itself is taking microseconds instead of nanoseconds: why not trick the ESP and spit out the next in array? here's what I got, admittedly one of the better results, but you can finally read something! I can live with it, if I can get it to work reliably.


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deʃhipu wrote 05/13/2017 at 22:51 point

Not sure what you mean by "spit the next in array" here?

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davedarko wrote 05/13/2017 at 23:07 point

Ha. Sry didn't really expect someone to read that.. there is an array in my program that contains the cartridge header. In that header is the nintendo logo that gets read and validated. Since I know when this happens, I can prepare the outputs and set them to the first value. Then when it got read, I'll set the pins to the next value of the array. Theres a pulse on A15 that triggers setting the outputs but it takes too long atm. Its like throwing two balls to a stoned person, once he tries to catch the first, he actually catches the second. Well sthg like that.

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davedarko wrote 05/13/2017 at 23:11 point

where the esp is the stoned person. Hm. And he doesn't catch but throws. Wow that's bad too. Got to get some sleep();

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