
Putting it all together

A project log for myWiFi Information Station

A critical display that alerts you whether or not your WiFi is on. And some other less important functions as well, I guess.

scott-clandininScott Clandinin 02/21/2018 at 01:240 Comments

With everything ordered and printed, I soldered up the electronics. It was an absolute mess, and I'll definitely be ordering custom PCBs for future projects.

I 3D printed several light diffusing sheets of different thicknesses. I ended up going with 0.8mm thick of printed PLA. The pyramid-shaped diffuser was neat but didn't suit the project.

Notice the standoff I ripped out in the middle due to a lack of space.

What a mess.

I ended up running out of space on the main board and put a satellite board on the right side of the enclosure. Luckily I didn't really need a second button!

I designed up a little WiFi symbol to cover up the open hole.


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