About a year or so ago, Pebble technology announced a kickstarter for their new "Pebble Core" a tiny 3G enabled activity tracker that would stream music while you ran. I thought it was a really neat idea, but unfortunately the Pebble Core doesn't look like it will ever become available. So instead I decided to build my own version of the core.
When complete TuneTrackr should:
- stream a selected spotify playlist when the play button is clicked
- be able to skip forward to next track (button somewhere on palm of hand so is easily accessible)
- should expose a web interface to select/create playlists
- start logging GPS to a file when the GPS session button is clicked
- When a GPS session is stopped, it should convert the file to .GPX and upload it to my strava.com account
- It should have a small OLED display to show useful information, like:
- 3G modem signal strength
- Do I have a GPS fix
- What song is currently playing
- What is my average running pace
- It should be small and light enough to wear on the wrist.
- wireless charging
- pulse rate montior
- Make it as water proof as possible (it rains a lot in the U.K.)
Great find, Made my morning! Good job man.