While waiting for PCBs to arrive I designed enclosure for the watch. I made few printed watch enclosures in the past and from my experience, I don't think one can be made to look good and be reliable. Moving plastic parts like holes that hold strap springs just wear out after a month of use. Therefore I designed enclosure that is compatible with apple watch accessories (straps, strap adapters...). Since strap adapters are metal and made for commercial watch they will be robust and available cheaply on ebay.
Main parts of the enclosure are:
- Clear cover - 1 mm thick acrlyic sheet covered with tinted vinyl wrap.
- Main enclosure body - With slits for straps or strap adapters.
- Back cover - 1 mm thick aluminium sheet with attached magnets and custom etched logo.
- External magnet - Used to activate four hall effect sensors.
- Sound port - Small hole next to external magnet for piezo sounder.
- Magnetic USB adapter - Looks cool.
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