
Version 5 and variants

A project log for Medieval Camping Furniture

foldable/ stackable wooden table and stools, which at least could have been made with medieval tools.

mclienmclien 11/10/2024 at 18:040 Comments

OK, a lot has been done since the last log.

Drawbacks from the first real live version:

Fitting of the pieces:

Making a tight fit with wood is not a great idea, if you use it in the semi-outdoors, even when it is used inside a tent (which we do). There will be still too much difference in temperature and humidity, that may have one of the 2 cases: much humidity will makes the use if a hammer necessary to (dis-)assemble the parts. Dry environment will make the stools disassemble while carrying around. Imagine you just want to move the stool a bit, while you sit on it, grab it by the deck and just "hopp" a bit to the side together with your butt. The the deck disassemble and you caught your hand between the deck and the lower construction (did that once, no fun).


While "just rectangle" is a nice working concept, I imagined something more pleasing for the eye.

 Comfort:stools are the right choice at the workbench, but form time to time, when we sit down for meals, we quickly missed a backrest.

So to deal with those issues some changes were made:

-the diagonal beams of the table were reduced to half the thickness (which is the thickness in the weak-spot anyways: The cross-section). The beams have now a slight offset and no cutout at the crossing, but a peg to interlock.

-the thinner beams give room in the box for backrests, which can be inserted in the stools.

-the stools are constructed with some tolerance for easy (dis-)assembling. the deck is hold in place with concealed magnets.

-outlines changed into a spline instead of a straight line.

There is also a variants with chairs instead of stools in development, but since we don't have an urgent need for tose, it is not really finished yet.

So pictures:

Sorry, only found a pic from the whole set with the first chair prototypes (which won't work, bc they topple over to easy)

The stool (parts, stool, stool with backrest):

And the first (and only) new chair design (a working one):

And here a pic from how the magnetic interlock works (again the non working chair prototype, but the principal is the same):

There are still a few adjustments to make, but that is mostly about some minor things. Tolerances a bit tighter, a bit longer rest for the table, a stencil to get the the washers for the magnets in the right place..

There is one trick, I have no pics from. As the pattern to fit everything into the box is quit "specific" and not to easy to remember, the manual for that is engraved in the underside of the middle table piece (which is the lid of the box and therefore the last part to place).
