

Electronic band-aid for monitoring fever and dispensing an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug

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As a proof of concept I will design and manufacture a small PCB (maybe flexible), which consists of a power supply, microcontroller, temperature sensor and a micro piezo pump. If the temperature sensor detects fever, the micro piezo pump starts to dispense an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug which is absorbed through the skin.


  1. Find or synthesize an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug which is absorbed through the skin.
  2. Find an off the shelf micro piezo pump or design it by myself.
  3. Design an according PCB.
  4. Manufacture and populate the PCB.
  5. Show that my concept works.

Concept drawings:

As far as I know the only available surface mount piezoelectric pump is the one from dolomite, but the datasheet is really a disaster. There is a lot of important information missing. I have contacted the company and got a prompt response:

Top View:

Bottom view:

Front view:











With regards to the Piezoelectric Pump with Surface Mount, the electrodes are paired on the same side as detailed in the diagrams.

One of the two connections on one side of the surface mount would be used to connect to HV pad, whilst one of two electrodes on the other side would connect to the GND pad on the control board. These correspond to the pin-outs on our regular Stainless Steel Piezoelectric Pumps, these are specified on page 14 of the technical note.

The pump has been designed to be operated uni-polar. However, the pump can be operated bipolar as long as you keep to the following:

  • Standard drive voltage of Piezoelectric Pump is V- = -60V, V+ = 60V
  • Voltage more than -60V~100V will be the reason of early degradation

Please do not use with higher voltage than stipulated. With drive voltage more than +/-60V, you have to arrange Offset with no less than –60V. In this case, you cannot operate the pump bipolar.

Microchip provides a Piezoelectric Micropump Driver Reference Design Piezoelectric Micropump Driver Reference Design, which could help me to design a driver. There also a few piezoelectric driver IC's available. And a few other piezoelectric pumps...

To learn more about the surface mounted piezo pump I designed a breakout board for the pump and ordered an I2C based piezo driver utilizing the DRV2667 from tindie.

Pumps arrived too:

And finally several weeks later the breakout boards to test the SMD pump arrived as well...I used silicone as a sealant between the PCB top layer and the pump bottom layer... Next I purchased a couple of 2 x 0.45 mm brass tubes and an according silicone hose 1.5 x 2.5 mm...

I glued two short pieces of the brass tube with 2 component epoxy resin into the inlet and outlet drill holes of the PCB and attached silicone hoses.

Test schematic...

I used the DRV2667 Arduino library for the test.


This project is released under the MIT license.


Stainless steel piezoelectric pumps datasheet

Adobe Portable Document Format - 3.39 MB - 04/05/2017 at 14:15


  • Experiments with micro fluid systems

    M. Bindhammer05/08/2017 at 17:34 0 comments

    I have always been interested in micro fluid systems and lab-on-a-chip solutions. I love the combination of chemistry and electronics. To start with such experiments I followed the simple fabrication of complex microfluidic devices tutorial. I used ABS printer filament with a dia. of 1.75 mm to wind a small coiled type micro fluid system with one inlet and one outlet. I used a yogurt cup as a mold, added 50 g 2-component silicone (TFC silicone rubber type 15, Shore hardness 32) and placed the coil in it.

    After the silicone was cured I removed the mold and cut the exceeding filament away. You can see a lot of trapped air bubbles because I didn't degas the silicone for the first experiment.

    Then I left it for 48 h in acetone to remove the ABS filament. First try using my vacuum chamber to degas the silicone...


    Cleaned up micro fluid system. I used a syringe for medical use to remove residual liquefied ABS. Those syringes are acetone resistant.

  • Galvanic skin response to prevent overdose​

    M. Bindhammer04/19/2017 at 17:52 0 comments

    Today I had a chat with my brother. His wife is a doctor. She told him if the patient is sweating, he or she will absorb much more medicine through the skin. This could lead to a dangerous overdose. Means for me, I need to add a galvanic skin response meter as a second sensor to my design, which is fortunately very easy to do.

  • Ibupromt

    M. Bindhammer04/18/2017 at 18:49 5 comments

    Based on my research on the former log I started to develop an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug which works within 10 seconds by absorption through the skin. I will call it Ibupromt.

    I pestled three 400 mg Ibuprofen pills, put it in an Erlenmeyer flask, added 40 ml dichloromethane and let it set for at least one hour.

    Then I filtered the solution off by adding piece wise another 40 ml dichloromethane to the filter cake. Re-crystallization of solids in the petri dish started immediately as dichloromethane is highly volatile.

    After all dichloromethane evaporated I measured the weight of the filter cake:Assuming all ibuprofen were dissolved by the dichloromethane, I should have now 1895 mg containing 1200 mg ibuprofen left in the re-crystallized filtered solution, means I must get rid of 695 mg of other in dichloromethane dissoluble ingredients.

    I dried the re-crystallized stuff for 5 hours at 70° C on a lab hot plate.As mentioned ibuprofen is practically insoluble in water. I put the re-crystallized and dried filtrate in a beaker, added 100 ml distilled water and heated it up to 70° C and stirred it for 2 hours, to remove any water-soluble remaining ingredients.

    Then I filtered it off again.

    Afterwards I dried the filter cake at 70° C for 5 hours and measured the weight again. I was expecting around 1200 mg, but the yield was only 700 mg. I doubt one pill really contains 400 mg ibuprofen, but I do not have time to prove that the pharmaceutical industry is cheating. The public trade supervision will do that for me.

    Next I dissolved the 700 mg ibuprofen in 5 ml of 50° C warm DMSO. This happens quick, within a few seconds.

    Then I filtered the solution again off directly into a brown medicine bottle. I used a quite warm place (nearby the radiator in my bathroom with floor heating; melting point of pure DMSO is approx. 19° C).

    Finally I labeled the medicine bottle accordingly.

  • Experiment on myself

    M. Bindhammer04/17/2017 at 13:38 1 comment

    Today I had headache - perfect condition for an experiment on myself. Instead of taking Ibuprofen the normal way, I dissolved it in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).

    Ibuprofen is practically insoluble in water, but very soluble in most organic solvents like ethanol, acetone or dichloromethane. DMSO is an important solvent and because it increases the rate of absorption of some compounds through organic tissues, including skin, it is used in some transdermal drug delivery systems.

    I used a 400 mg Ibuprofen pill and weighted it firstly: 650 mg, means 250 mg other ingredients like starch, titanium and silicon dioxide.I pestled the pill and added 10 ml warm pure ethanol to dissolve the Ibuprofen and filtered the still warm solution off.

    Then I added 5 ml DMSO to the filtered solution and heated it up to 150° C using a lab magnetic stirrer with hot plate until I was sure all ethanol evaporated. I don't wanted to get drunken. Meanwhile my headache got worse.

    Finally I filtered the hot solution again.

    I sat down with a stopwatch, applied 5 drops of the DMSO/Ibuprofen solution to the back of my left hand and waited. After 2 minutes my headache was gone. It works!

View all 4 project logs

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venala3016 wrote 06/05/2021 at 10:07 point

You are doing a wonderful job here I am also working on a philips epilator blog you can see here its also a very new ide.

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Cybermage2019 wrote 04/25/2018 at 19:50 point

Awesome Project and am eager to see your results. Have you considered a flushing component to the TDS (Transdermal delivery system) in between doses to make sure that any residue from previous treatments dont potentiate the exact measurement of the medication in question?  I would think that continued application in the same area is going to lead to local irritation of the dermis as well as local tolerance of the skin over time increasing. DMSO since its an organic sulphur is going to cause irritation with repeated applications.

Keep up the awesome work!

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markos wrote 02/01/2018 at 13:53 point

Hi Markus,

Very interesting project.

But didn't understand how to prevent the return of the fluid inside the pump?
Is there any check valve inside the pump?



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David H Haffner Sr wrote 05/03/2017 at 17:54 point

Hey Markus, can't wait to see the first prototype :)

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M. Bindhammer wrote 05/04/2017 at 20:04 point

Let me firstly get the pump to run. Rest is fun ;)

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David H Haffner Sr wrote 05/04/2017 at 20:41 point

ok my man, don't mean to rush you :)

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K.C. Lee wrote 05/03/2017 at 16:45 point

Probably better off not having the exposed temperature sensor to protect it from sweat/mechanical damages.  Just make a copper fill area on the skin side of the PCB that is going to make contact and use multiple vias for conduction to the temperature on the top side.

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M. Bindhammer wrote 05/04/2017 at 06:35 point

Thanks for the tip!

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 04/23/2017 at 12:06 point

nice idea! Another application could be anxiety detection and abatement.

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M. Bindhammer wrote 04/23/2017 at 18:54 point

Yes, many ideas. From cosmetics to pain treatment of cancer patients. Thanks!

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David H Haffner Sr wrote 04/17/2017 at 23:09 point

Hello Markus, long time no see :) I'm glad to see such a great project like this, and you tried it on yourself...UR the man!

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M. Bindhammer wrote 04/18/2017 at 06:50 point

Hi David,

Have been busy with other projects, but now I am back :)

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David H Haffner Sr wrote 04/18/2017 at 11:26 point

Well, I'm happy you are and am excited to actually examine the actual circuit design :)

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M. Bindhammer wrote 04/11/2017 at 07:30 point


The plan is to have it as a legal medical device. I think the reuse is limited to a single person, depending on the used medicine.

Thanks for your interest!


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Legrange wrote 04/10/2017 at 17:06 point

Is this intended purely for personal use or are you aiming to eventually have it as a legal medical device? Will it be reusable, limited reuse to a single person or single use? I like the concept and I look forward to updates.

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