
2015-Apr-24 - Is this a spacecraft?

A project log for Rocketometer

Flight-proven Do-it-yourself Spacecraft

kwan3217kwan3217 04/05/2017 at 17:130 Comments

This is not a pipe. (It is a picture of a pipe)
Is this a picture of a spacecraft?

I have discussed my rocketometer project on this blog in depth before. That's it, the purple board in the picture above. I think I can lay claim to it being a full-blown spacecraft.

The biggest strike against it is that it was bolted inside another spacecraft. How many other systems in the rocket would I count as a spacecraft under this same definition?

The other biggest strike is that it has no telecom system. I know of spacecraft which have been flown with transmitters but no receivers, but the only spacecraft I can think of that had neither were things like Echo, Lageos, and Starshine. Do those count as spacecraft?
