
Schematics and theories/ideas

A project log for Nonvolitile DRAM-like thing with Russian Relays

DRAM is fun and interesting. Whats even cooler is making it NON-VOLATILE!

dylan-brophyDylan Brophy 04/06/2017 at 07:401 Comment

I came up with some schematics and ideas during dinner tonight. They include the design I already tried, a hypothetical design, and another design that for some reason doesn't work.

The schematic to the top left is a tested and working design, but is horribly inefficient as far as chip usage goes. Im looking for better designs (More about that in a moment). The one below it is practically guaranteed to work. The one to the right, for some weird reason, does not work. I used 4Mhz because it was easy just lying around.

So basically I need mass capacitor storage. Like what Yann Guidon / YGDES suggested. He suggested that I use capacitors + 2 diodes to - what it looks to me like - "address" the capacitors and write/read to the ones that are selected. I have been messing around with this but haven't had any success. Bummer because it would actually be cool to use this kind of DRAM in my #SBP-CPU (Slice Based Processor) project. I'm going to keep trying though so hopefully I can solve it and mass store data in capacitors. Sweet!


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/06/2017 at 08:19 point

I'd recommend you to use ICs if you process with ICs :-D

you'll get a lot of troubles for a ridiculously low density and terrible speed...

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