
Quick tally on the total cost of building the version 3 machine

A project log for Robot 3D printer auto eject sys & web print queue

A 3d printer system that can be operated by multiple people that just spits out parts placed in the web based print queue

mmiscoolmmiscool 07/02/2017 at 01:140 Comments

all prices were rounded up a bit.

60$ rolling 2 shelf cart from harbour freight

230$ delta 3d printer from eBay kossel variant.

45$ linear actuator from eBay

3$ double Relay control board from eBay

50$ lumber or just the scraps you have around.

35$ regular 2d printer from Walmart.

0$ old PC to run gcode sender.

Total cost 438$ including all shipping charges.

That's a pretty good deal if you want a 3d printer that can continuously run. :-)
