
Building bigger

A project log for The Peoples CNC Frame

A simple and tough cnc frame made from low cost hardware store parts and affordable electronics

morphmorph 03/06/2018 at 06:390 Comments

The large CNC machine called Sergei is now finished. It consists of a Makita handheld router, a few lead screws, wood, 50x50mm tube, stepper motors, a driver, LinuxCNC and raw power.

Even though I've disassembled the smaller machine and bought a 1610 engraver because Hackaday told me to, The Peoples CNC Frame as a concept is still going strong. 

If you want to build a small desktop CNC machine you have many options and perhaps this project isn't one of those. However, if you want to go big with durable components and walk away with a minimum BOM, The Peoples CNC Frame is it for you my comrade.

So this year we'll make an even bigger machine, using the full capacity of uncut hardware store metal. That's 2m length here in the woods.


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