
DC 25 TC 2

Well it's getting to be that time of year, again. Drink all the booze, hack all the things.

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A tiny PC and pixelated logos.... More Info on TiaraCon can be found at

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Zero W
  • 1 × 2.2" TFT
  • 1 × teeny tiny switch
  • 1 × spool of clear ABS
  • 1 × LiPo battery 2000MaH

View all 7 components

  • Forward Progress

    TechGirl06/19/2017 at 20:46 0 comments

    I Continued work on overall design adding cut out for PI's SD card and power switch, finished the Voxel Raspberry PI logo, and received the last of the hardware.

    I have uncovered a minor design flaw whoops, No good way to attach the front of the faux CRT to the back without glue. Planned fix involves magnets because magnets.

    I also need to work on a pixelated Hackaday Logo, because stickers.

    Other todo's on the design list; splitting the base, as last year's was a little too small. And finishing the holes for USB port, charging port, maybe the HDMI port, and attaching the LED's to the Arduino.

    I need to have most printed parts ready to print by Saturday, as I have a one week window to not have anyone complain about the ABS smell.

  • Design Preview

    TechGirl06/07/2017 at 15:12 0 comments

    Overall set up

    The 'CRT' it will be contain the TFT, Rpi, an Arduino nano for LED control, and the Battery

    WIP on the Rpi logo

  • The story so far

    TechGirl06/07/2017 at 15:00 0 comments

    Tiaracon is a con within Defcon. focusing on women in infosec. This will be their second year, I went last year, and can say that it's nice to have some hangout time with other women, I learned how to pick a lock and won the tiara contest.

    This year's contest has a theme of security, with an example of a tiara made of lockpicks.

    My plan to meet this requirement is to add Raspberry PI to my project, and load in some network tools.

    The rest of the design is inspired by this year's retro theme for DC. So pixelated DC "Happy Jack's" and of course the Hackaday logo (because free stickers)

View all 3 project logs

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