
FASTUSBasp programmer for AVR with usb-to-serial

This is the fast ISP programmer for AVRs based on cheap stm32f103c8t6 board.

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This is the fast ISP programmer for AVR MCUs based on cheap stm32f103c8t6 ('blue-pill') board with usb-to-serial support. The price of this board is just 1.81$ in case you buy it from Aliexpress.

This is an alternate to famous USBasp AVR programmer since its cheap and fast. It has real USB hardware hence it should work without any issues.

USBasp programmer is a great programmer and uses software (VUSB) USB driver. I wanted to create another AVR programmer which is similar to USBasp but with real USB hardware to avoid connection issues which I had with USBasp before. The price of this board is just 1.81$ in case you buy it from Aliexpress hence it was a good alternative to USBasp.

This is the fast ISP programmer for AVR MCUs based on cheap stm32f103c8t6 aka blue-pill board with usb-to-serial support.

Bit clock speed

FASTUSBasp starts out with a fast ISP clock frequency (default: 3 MHz), so the -B bitclock option might be required to achieve stable communication in case target MCU F_CPU is bit low < 12MHz

Supported bitclock speed

  • default (without -B): 3 MHz
  • 1.5 MHz
  • 750 KHz
  • 375 KHz
  • 187.5 KHz

  • 1 × stm32f103c8t6 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × FASTUSBasp adapter board check gerber files.

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