Cylinder head flow bench
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Flow scheme and sensorsControl boxThe control unit houses the Arduino Atmega2560, all the components and the touchscreen LCD. It interfaces with the external sensors by means of connectors on the back of the unit.
Flow sensorThe flow sensor uses a Meriam laminar flowmeter (LFE) and 20mBar high precision Druck differential pressure sensor.
B.O.M.- 1x Arduino Mega 2560
- 1x TFT shield
- 1x 3.2" 320x240 touchscreen TFT display
- 1x Adafruit ADS1115 four inputs 16bit DAC
- 1x MS5611 I2C precision barometer breakout
- 1x SHT21 I2C precision thermo & hygro breakout
- 1x DS18B20 digital temperature transducer
- 1x Boost converter
- 1x Step-down converter
- 1x Relay output board
- 2x Druck PTX510 700-1100mbar 4-20mA absolute pressure transducer
- 1x Druck LPX5480 0-20 mbar 4-20mA differential pressure transducer
- 1x Merial LFE 50MC2-4 400SCFM
- 1x 4" throttle valve with gearbox reducer
- 1x Continental blower