
Linux Flashing Works

A project log for Roadrunner (the Arduino-Tiva)

An Arduino clone based on a TI's Tiva TM4C123G (An 80Mhz ARM M4F with USB OTG)

jacobJacob 07/01/2017 at 01:470 Comments

I just finished getting the flash tool running on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). Github has been updated with the most recent changes. It's works most of the time, but sometimes the board fails to switch into DFU mode and sometimes fails to switch out of it. Not sure if this is a Linux or Tiva software issue yet.

The code for both targets of tiva-dfu-prog need to be cleaned up. Since they are both based on existing oss tools they each have a lot of "leftovers" in their baselines that could be removed.

The Linux tool is based on "dfu-util" and the windows version is based on "dfuprog" from TivaWare. Both of the parent projects were converted to c++ and compile with c++11 libraries, since I enjoy the niceties of that language. After cleaning up the code and comments I'll tag each repo.
