Since I have created this project here, I have done some work to push the project from "pie in the sky" to reality.
- Built a ref flow oven to cook the custom boards
- Completed the design of the circuit board
- Completed the CAD design of the servo
- Ordered all the electronics parts from digikey
- Ordered all the mechanical parts
- Ordered the PCB board
As of today I have the PCB and electronics parts here, ready to be installed. Last week I had to tweak the arduino controlled oven to follow the heating profile better. (picture below)
If anyone wants me to show how I built the oven, please let me know I will make a write up about it.
Below are some photos of the PCB and the stencil.
I am hoping to put the circuit board together this coming week to I can start programming. It is my first pcb design and build so in all fairness I have no clue how this this going to work out. I triple checked my connections, diagram and data sheets. I am sure that I commited a rookie mistake somewhere that I will find myself quite dumb for doing. But hey, you need to start somewhere right?I am sure that at the end of this there will be a log on the trouble shooting that when on to make it work.
What is left to do:
- Send the flat patterns out to the laser cutter
- bend all the pieces
- Populate the board
- Update my code to go onto the new board (that's the big one for sure)
- Build the servo
I leave you with some glamour shots of the servo's last CAD design iteration.
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