
Just released version 7_8_2_226 - Up to 80% less memory usage! :-)

A project log for Visuino

Graphical Development Environment for Arduino controller type boards

boian-mitovBoian Mitov 02/26/2018 at 17:050 Comments

Just released Visuino 7_8_2_226

Significantly reduced memory usage by the generated code ( Up to 80% less memory usage! )
Added ESP32 Servo support
Added support for I2C address scramblers
Added support for Heltec ESP32 LoRa WiFi OLED Modules
Added ESP32 I2C and SPI pin mapping
Added ESP8266 I2C pin mapping
Improved TCN75A support
Added support for recording and playing RGBW Color file elements in the microSD
Improved LCD fields support
Improved LCD Custom Symbols support
Added Replace String component
Added Replace Analog Array component

Added new experimental user code component in the Visuino Pro version available in the G+ Community

Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:


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