Just released Visuino version 7_8_3_14
- Improved Elegoo Penguin Bot support
- Improved Infrared Remote
- Improved JSON
- Added M5Stack Stick C Speaker Hat support
- Added Split Digits component
- Added LIS3DH component
- Added ADXL345 component
- Added TCS3472 component
- Added Adafruit Circuit Playground Express support
- Improved Adafruit Circuit Playground Clasic support
- Improved BNO055 component
- Added Clock Modify component
- Added Max Step to the Ramp To Analog Value component
- Significantly improved graphics speed and alpha rendering support
- Improved M5Stack Stick C Display support
- Improved RemoteXY component
- Added Graphics Render Event element
- Added Toggle Demux components
- Added MicroSD Repeat Read element
- Improved support for LCD Display custom characters
- Added SPI Speed for the ILI9341 Display
- Added Reset Display property to the Nextion display making it easier to use it with Nextion Simulator
- Improved Improved NRF52832 BLE support
- Improved Teensy Analog Inputs support
- Some IDE stability improvements

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