Just released Visuino and Visuino Pro version 7_8_3_64
- Added Raspberry Pi Console and Sockets support
- Added TTGO T-Display ESP32 support
- Added ST7789 Display support
- Added support for the 4DOF Manipulator Potentiometer and Servos Shield
- Added Reverse for the all the Servo components and elements
- Improved RemoteXY support
- Added support for the Optic Flow PMW3901 sensor
- Added initial Video and Image Processing support
- Added STM32 RTC Support
- Added UV Light Sensor Lapis ML8511 support
- Added ESP8285 support
- Improved Controllino support
- Added EndOnNewLine, and Ending text elements to the Char To Text component
- Improved STM32 Support
- Added Interval Output Pin to the Sequence
- Added Sonoff Smart Socket S26 (ESP8266)
- Added ESP-01 Temperature/Humidity DHT11 Shield support
- Added ESP-01 Thermometer Maxim 1-Wire Thermometer (DS1820/DS18S20/DS18B20) Shield support
- Added CJMCU-407 STM32 board support
- Added STM32F4VE board support
- Added Generic STM32F407VG, and STM32F407VE support
- Added DF Robot Beetle ESP32 support
- Improved Sockets support
- Improved JY901 Attitude Angle Sensor support
- Improved Teensy RTC support
- Improved Maxim 1-Wire Thermometer (DS1820/DS18S20/DS18B20) support
- Improved performance of some of the Graphics displays
- Improved ESP8266 OTA - Programming over WiFi implementation
- Improved Color support
- Improved Categories organization
- Redesigned the Visuino IDE toolbar
- Significantly improved Build, Upload and Libraries Management in the IDE
- Improved IDE Speed and user interface

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