Just released Visuino and Visuino Pro version 8_0_0_116

- Added Arduino GIGA support
- Added Mirror for the TFT Displays
- Added Mouse and Keyboard support for Arduino Portenta
- Improved Arduino Portenta Serial ports support
- Added ELEGOO Penguin Bot V2 Shield
- Added MPL3115A2 Pressure/Altitude component
- Added Galaxycore GC9A01 SPI Color Display component
- Added Phase elements for the Sine, Triangle and Square generators
- Improved RS485 support
- Improved Modbus support
- Completely redesigned RemoteXY support updated to support the latest RemoteXY version
- Added option to pause/resume or complete the Sequences when disabled
- Added DIY More TM1637 7 Segment Display 4 Digits Module component
- Added option to reverse the digits in the generic TM1637 components
- Improved TM1637 and TM1638 support
- Text Fields Wrap changed to False by default to make it easier to use the elements
- Improved 32 bit Modbus Holding Registers support
- Improved ESP32 Cam support
- Improved ESP32 CanBus support
- Improved ESP32 I2S support
- Improved 74HC595 Shift Register support
- Added Enabled option for the Split Text component
- Improved Formatted Text component
- Updated JPEG support
- Improved BMP280 and BME280 SPI components
- Improved M5Stack CoreS3 MicroSD support
- Improved IDE
The Visuino Pro and the Visuino SDK are available on the Download page:
Please enjoy!
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