
Delta Farmbot

A reinterpretation on the CNC system to control a small garden, but using delta mechanics and fishing lines for large areas.

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FarmBot is a fantastic way to control your farming parcel, however it's pretty limited to small gardens due to the increasing costs of large extrusion profiles and other mechanical issues.

However, a delta setup would significantly reduce the cost of the machine and could use all the advantages of the current system for automatization and control of your farming experience in larger plantations.

In order to do so, a greenhouse environment would be key to implement a first prototype, as it would substitute the external frame of the delta cnc. To reduce costs, the mobile plate will be anchored to corners in the ceiling of the greenhouse using fishing lines . Adapting a system like the one used in the Hangprinter would increase the compactness and reduce the price of the machine.

Lastly, and small station on the ground to swap head tools is needed to replicate the full framework of the Farmbot. Both are open source projects, so the adaptation will be straightforward.

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Yunfan wrote 11/23/2017 at 06:27 point

actually i am also notice the limitation of farmbot, but i do think a movable wheels with a robotic arm might be a better and much cheaper solution

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Florian Festi wrote 11/16/2017 at 22:26 point

The hang printer is not the right platform for this. You want the motor to be stationary. As your application is installed for a longer time you can set things up properly while the hang printer is build for compactness and to be set up and disassembled quickly.

You will also need some stick for hanging the effector below the strings as you cannot drive the strings between the plants.

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