
GoTo Telescope Control for rDUINOScope

Standalone Hardware Control Unit for use with "rDUINOScope" Firmware

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This hardware project is "Open Source" and for all "Private-Uses"!
Comercial User (Companies) should ask me for the mass production rights!

1. Picture is the NEW 4 Inch Telescope-Control-Unit V1.5.3 in a Case.
2. Picture is the open Version of V1.5.3 incuded the "Arduino DUE" Board.
3. Picture is the old 3.2 Inch Version 1.4.3 and this is the last version that will sold out!
4. Picture is the open Version of V1.4.3 incuded the "Arduino DUE" Board.
The last two pictures are the Motor Driver units, top and bottom side.

The new Version 1.5.3 can ordered from end of Feb. 2020!

The advantage of this hardware project is, it is not more expensive than the separately purchased components and you only need to connect it to "Arduino DUE" Board, load the "rDUINOScope" software and let it run & enjoy to look at the amazing sky...

This Hardware can only to use with German Equatorial Mounts!

A new rDUINOScope Version with 4 Inch TFT (480x800) is born!

At the middle / end of Feb 2020, it can be ordered in diff. configurations!

The improvements, compared to the prior HW Versions are:
1.)   TFT resolutions goes from 240x480 to 480x800 pixels with much more details!
2.)  The new 3.97 Inch IPS TFT has a better vewing angle ( ~ 80 degrees in all directions ).
3.)  The new TFT is several times faster than the old one (3.2 Inch) Version.
4.)  Several new Software improvements are implemented.
5.)  Using an external ( 3.3V rs232 ) GPS module for better sensitivity!
6.)  All observed Sky-Objets has an own picture on the Display!
7.)   16 GByte Flash Memory for User extensions (Sky Data & pictures).

It is not unknown that the RESET routine of the Arduino DUE does not work properly.

I have tested a circuit that fixes this problem. As seen in the photo, after switching on the operating voltage, it takes more than 150mS to reach the voltage of  fully 3.3V level.

In the CPU integrated RESET routine starts already after approx. 3mS!
This very short Master_RESET delay is the reason, why the Controller starting mostly with blank Screen!

The RESET Circuit I've created, works properly and in the next Version of the Controller it will be integrated.
It generates a delay for Master_RESET with about 150mS and the Controller running fine, after we switching the Power on...
In the future Controllers, I'II use the MAX803R Chip with the same delay time...
It is a SOT-23 Chip with 3 Pins and can easy soldered on the older Controller Boards too!

For those who can solder such small parts, see the picture below:

The new enhanced Motor Driver is reloaded, up to 24V input Voltage for the stepper Motors...

The version from 3. Sept. has an input voltage capabilities from 15V up to 24V!
This driver Board is only compatible to the Main Unit V1.4c and later!

Here the Videoclip of the prior Version of the Driver Board:

rDUINOScope New Driver Board


I've a suitable cable for the stepping motors manufactured.

It can be loaded with 1A / contact, which means 4A / motor!
The max. outer diameter is only ~ 12,5mm.

This Connectors are maded for Aviation and they are watheproof!

You need only to drill two holes with a diameter of 8mm in your case...

For disconnecting, you need only to pull back the outer Shell and pull the cable a way!


The finished version V1.4d is ready to use, you need only 2 NEMA17 mounted on your  Telescope and let it run!

It can be ordered as full assembled version included the programmed and tested Arduino DUE
+ Bottom holder aluminium plate with two cables (~ 50-60cm long) including a 5V Fan 25x25x7mm.
The price will be 325 CHF (Swiss Currency)  including PayPal fee and shipping costs.
This is the latest and finale Version of the series V1.4x!

The enhanced Version V1.4d is finished and can ordered after 20. Oct. 2017!


The enclosure is only a prototype and can ordered some weeks later...

The next Version V1.4.1 brings some more enhancements, like new Joystick with high accuracy digital intrface for a very precise manual aligning of your Telescope!

The whole height of the device will be only 28.3mm! 

The bottom side of the housing is made of 1.5mm aluminum and is used as heatsink for the motor drivers!

It could be operated without a fan...

This Version is planed to finished and could be ordered, probably at the end of this year.

The price for the assembled and tested Controller, without enclosure cost $205 including the shipping costs.

For the Version wiht...

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rDUINOScope V1.5.3 Schematics.

JPEG Image - 1.03 MB - 12/13/2019 at 10:41



A new Hardware, with 4 Inch TFT is born!

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 2.32 MB - 12/08/2019 at 02:29


rDUINOScope Motor-Controller Unit-V1.4d-1.jpg

This is also the latest Version of V1.4x

JPEG Image - 458.72 kB - 09/05/2017 at 15:12


This are the Gerber Files for the optimized Motor Driver PCB V1.4c-1

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This are the Geber Files for Main PCB + Controller V1.4c Use the optimized Controller above!

x-zip-compressed - 1.10 MB - 01/30/2018 at 05:01


View all 8 files

  • 1 × Adruino DUE Board (not Included)
  • 1 × Bluetooth Modul HC-06
  • 1 × Humidity Sensor DHT22-G
  • 2 × Stepper Motor Driver DRV8825
  • 1 × U-Box GPS Modul NEO-6M

View all 14 components

View all 8 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    For assembling of this harware we need a good knowledge
    in soldering of very small SMT components.
    Some SMT Pads, has a gap of only 0.2mm, see the picture bellow!

    The assembled unit must be tested with rDUNOScope Firmware
    and if it works, is fine...
    My experiences had showing, that the China parts like TFT Display,
    does not always work!
    It can lie on the defective Display or we have a soldering fault...
    In this case we need to figure out where is our problem
    and we need an oscilloscope!

    For soldering of Stepper Driver Chip DRV8846 or DRV8825,
    we need a special soldering oven, because this Chips has a Exposed Pad
    for dissipation of heat! We can not solder this with solder pen,
    because the Pad is on the bottom side of the Chip!

    I think, the better way to sell this unit as tested and working assembly.

    If someone wants to bild it himself,
    no problem but on own responsibility!

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Lee Maisel wrote 06/26/2017 at 22:36 point

Also, are the custom boards OR completed units for sale?

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Otto Winter wrote 06/27/2017 at 11:27 point

The assembled & tested Board cost 150 € or 170 USD + shipping costs.
Without stepper motors and without Arduino DUE Board!

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Lee Maisel wrote 06/27/2017 at 20:15 point

Thanks!  Let me know where to order. :)

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Otto Winter wrote 06/27/2017 at 11:21 point

Hello Lee, thank you for your interest of my harware.
I'm using a single TFT and not an assebly like in the Link you posted.
Please read all my Project informations and you will see, that this hardware
project not to be compared with modular assemblys...

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Diego Dabrio-Polo wrote 06/19/2017 at 09:16 point


• Probably this is not the right place to post this comment, and maybe I should write a Private Message. I do not know to whom I should write of how to do it.

I do not know the etiquette rules of this site yet, and I prefer to be extra-cautious.

I have just joined Hackaday because of this stunning rDUINOscope Control project.

I am an amateur telescpe maker and I need a control unit, that can work either standalone or connected to a PC or android device (with Stellarium)

I also need to be able to use my own stepper motors with their specific step count.

Therefore, this project suits me perfectly.

I have been looking for something like this for ages!

• I want to make a rDUINOscope Controller, and I want to make one and test it as soon as possible.

I am ready to buy all the pieces from eBay or Aliexpress, but I need the PCBs. I imagine you can provide them. I would like to buy a bundle (a kit with all the items) from you, if possible.

• I would like to join your project and get involved in it, but I do not know if you need me, because my programming skills are very basic.

I can solder pretty well, and I could test the controller of contribute in other forms.

• I would like also benefit from the V 1.5 version of the project, but if you have old V 1.3 or V 1.4 PCBs that you want to get rid of, I can buy them and make an older version.

In fact I do not know if different versions of the rDUINOscope Control share PCBs

I also do not know when V 1.5 will be ready. I can wait, but I am so eager...

Thank you, 

Best regards


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Otto Winter wrote 06/19/2017 at 21:21 point

Thank you for the message, it is arrived on the right place...
I'm  working on the V1.5 but the changes are much more as planed.
The V1.4a is the latest working version and it  is 100% compatible to rDUINOScope code from Dessislav.
New PCBs V1.4.a would be available in about 2-3 weeks.
The V1.5 Version takes probably more then 4-5 weeks, sorry...

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Gianluca wrote 04/28/2017 at 18:21 point

Sent a Private Message

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Otto Winter wrote 04/27/2017 at 11:06 point

For all Users, Likers, Followers, tahank you for your interest on this usefull project!
I'm shure, that this hardware unit, could help, for many telescope owners, who do'nt have any positioning control unit, because they are too expensive.
This hardware is build up modular and can easy customized for different requirements...
Any suggestions or constructive criticism, are welcome!

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