Easily share your photos with your relatives. As soon as you take a picture, it will be uploaded and shared on the monitor, via IFTTT. It's a great way to keep in touch with relatives when you're on holiday or live far away, especially older people who have a hard time using tech devices.
Keeping contact with your family can be difficult when you live far from them. Even an increasing number of communication means doesn’t make it easier to take the time to message, email or Skype your family. We offer you today a fun and easy way for your family and your elders to keep track of everyone’s everyday life.
OBJECTIVE: Turn an old monitor into a smart screen that will automatically display all your daily pictures.
FOR WHOM This project is perfect for families who live far from each other, especially big families with members spread in different cities. It’s the perfect way for your parents/grandparents or even the whole family (you can do the same for several monitors) to keep track of the best moments your daily life in a very simple way, without them having to turn on a computer or any other tech device.
Step 2
Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 // ~$25-$35
16GB SD Card // ~$9
A monitor with HDMI connectivity
HDMI cable
Note: This project is based on Kiosk app for Prota OS, which is not yet available for all users. The beta will be released next week, and we’d like to grant a free access to any person who would like to join the beta testing program.
Please contact us to address to enroll or get further information on the program.
(FYI, the official launch will be around early of May!)
Step 3
You first need to build the smart hub that will control the automation of your ring bell and connect all devices together. Prota OS for Raspberry Pi is our free smart hub OS which is very easy to install. In no time you will turn your Raspberry Pi into a smart home automation hub!
You can download Prota OS here. Then burn it on the SD card. We made an easy guide you can follow to set up your Prota Pi.