
What now?

A project log for Printing bones on a DIY powder bed 3d printer

This project focuses on using building a budget powder bed 3d printer capable of printing bones, and creating the needed ink and powder.

jureJure 05/04/2017 at 21:180 Comments

This project has been more or less a proof of concept type deal. Now it is time to make it easier to use, faster more accurate, etc. If I want to start improving anything I have to most of the faulty bits and find a way to improve them. Here is a list of the major ones:

It is important to do this process step by step, so for example I shouldn't just go replacing all of the construction, as better motors could have different mechanical properties or needs. I have made a some sort of a plan of attack that focuses on upgrading the printer. The plan is as follows

  1. Replacement of Xaar128 with HP45
  2. Replacement of Arduino MEGA 2560 with Maple Mini
  3. Addition of drive pulley on x axis
  4. Addition of feedback sensors
  5. Firmware debugging and improvement
  6. Addition of SBC
  7. Software improvement
  8. Replacement of stepper driven threaded rod on y axis with servo driven pulley drive
  9. Replacement of stepper drivers with 2 pololu A4988s
  10. Replacement of old construction with newer one, that has only 1 cylinder and hopper based feed system
  11. Wiring cleanup

Note that most tasks are connected in some way. This is only a chronological order of major changes. Also some can be done during the upgrade eg. wiring cleanup.
