
Crystal Radio!

A project log for Knowhere

Its a clip. That beeps. The Knowhere is a radio connected device that ensures you will never lose anything again.

lordpharaohLordPharaoh 08/09/2014 at 08:240 Comments

We had originally planned on using a power radio because we had researched crystal radios and found that they needed really big coils and even bigger antennas. But recently, we discovered that they actually made pocket-sized crystal radios back in the day, and we plan to build one of those and try it out to see if it will work with our idea. It still has a relatively long antenna, but this can be shortened by adding a trickle of the ATtiny's power into an ampifier. Another problem we went around is the germanium diode. When making a low-power radio, a germanium diode is a necessity. These are both relatively expensive (usually more than one or two dollars) and only available online (RadioShack stopped carrying them a while ago, as well as most electronics vendors). We found many sources that claimed that LED's work nearly as well as germanium diodes, and they're extremely cheap and easy to find. We happened to have a few lying around (who doesn't?) and we plan to build this radio soon. We've left behind trails of radios we built that wouldn't work and the mangled remains of perfectly good commercial radios we took apart to find the secrets inside. Hopefully this will be the solution we were looking for.


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