
Outlet Guide Vane Rough Calculations

A project log for 3D Printed Axial Compressor

An axial compressor that is designed to be produced inexpensively by the daily hobbyist

noobsaucenoob_sauce 05/22/2017 at 14:010 Comments

Anyways, here are my caluclations:

In addition to those angles, like stated before, I also plan on doing a deviated blade, one that has a different angle of attack at around 1/3 of the length. This angle will be around 45 degrees.

So because of all these weird angles - if you can imagine a stage with an inlet angle of 22 and out of -45, I have to re-write my blade construction program. Also note, because this isn't considered a "working stage" it doesn't have the three stage variables:

I'll update this once I've re-written the program and have a 3D model to show you all.

Until next time.


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