
The plan

A project log for etchr, the PCB printer

Rapid, hassle-free, and eco-friendly PCBs via automated etching, soldermasking and silkscreening

jonathan-beriJonathan Beri 06/25/2017 at 20:580 Comments

This first post is intended to lay out the development plan for etchr. But before that, I need to apologize for the long hiatus since originally posting the project. Life stuff happened and the project is just me (but I'm looking for collaborators!) I'd also like to thank early followers and likers. I hope you enjoy the road ahead and look forward to your feedback.

Generally speaking, etchr is mostly theoretical with a lot of research. While much of the concepts are familiar, not a lot of scientific data readily exists. So expect more posts about experimentation and tests rigs than build updates. With that in mind, I envision 3 major types of posts:

I've sketched out a bunch of posts, especially around Theory & Fundamentals and R & D:

Theories and fundamentals

R & D

I think here is a good point to stop for now. Any suggestions on where to start first? Ideas for more topics to explore? Leave in the comment below.

