
Phase-3# Arduino DDM Library

A project log for Optical Power Meter (with SFP and DDM protocol)

DIY Optical Power Meter with SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable transceiver) and DDM (Digital diagnostics monitoring ) protocol

oakkar7oakkar7 05/01/2017 at 05:260 Comments

Not only building hardware, I like to develop a simple library for SFP/DDM interface. Library supports the following functions.

- Raw Reading DDM Registers (96-117)

- Read TX, RX power in watt and dbm

- Modules Voltage, Current

- control TX enable/disable, mode

- alarm and event monitoring

- Calibration (not work for now, I have to figure out or you may)

- Debug raw, hex and bin string

Library was added to my github repo. It also included a project for working Optical Power Meter.

I am an engineer who wrote the code as my own need and hobby. So, you can used it as your own risk or you may contribute for better results. Any comments, suggestions and correction are welcome.


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