
Software Update

A project log for Github Connected Soldering Iron

My favorite programming language is solder -- Bob Pease

cabalistcabalist 05/01/2017 at 19:580 Comments

I am now able to commit messages to Github using their API.

pygit was overkill and I can do everything using requests/json with the API. Here is the code before it has been converted to micropython:

# coding=utf-8
Writing this code in regular python before moving to micropython.

This code will handle putting commits up on Github for the Github connected Soldering Iron

import json

import requests

GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN = "your_oauth_token_goes_here"
GITHUB_REPO_ADDRESS = "" # For example: "Cabalist/testSolder"

commit_message = "First try #2"

last_commit = requests.get("{}/git/refs/heads/master".format(GITHUB_REPO_ADDRESS),
                           params={"access_token": GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN})

last_commit_sha = last_commit.json()['object']['sha']

r ="{}/git/commits".format(GITHUB_REPO_ADDRESS),
                  params={"access_token": GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN},
                  json={"message": commit_message,
                        "parents": [last_commit_sha],
                        "tree": "4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"}) # This is the empty folder SHA in git

commit_sha = r.json()['sha']

r2 = requests.patch("{}/git/refs/heads/master".format(GITHUB_REPO_ADDRESS),
                    params={"access_token": GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN},
                    headers={'content-type': 'application/json'},
                    data=json.dumps({"sha": commit_sha, "force": True}))
