
TFT backlights make for a cheap Softbox

A project log for Laundrify

A system to monitor shared washing machines in a house(hold) that notifies you when your machine is finished or one becomes available.

timonskutimonsku 08/20/2014 at 13:550 Comments

Not really related to the project but I recently dissembled a few broken TFTs and found that their backlights can be pretty bright if you remove the panel. In the case for my project video I used the LED backlight of an old digital photo frame. Its not super bright but is useful if you want a nice soft light on your object to let the glossy parts really shine.

Here is a photo of it:

I also dissembled a huge 30" TFT which has an LCD backlight which is FAR brighter and is really useful as bright softbox for larger objects.


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