
DHT22 official support, automated builds and more!

A project log for 'fresca' versatile temperature controller

Control temperature for up to 8 separate processes! Cooling/heating control with humidity sensing. Based on Arduino and DS18B20/DHT22.

leoLeo 12/13/2017 at 00:140 Comments

Hey, I've merged the feat/DHT22 branch back to master, officially supporting the DHT22 sensor. Note that the design can deal with any combination of DS18B20/DHT22 sensors. Relative humidity for DHT22 is only used for display in the LCD for now (press left/right keys in the sensor screen), with further improvements planned ahead.

Also note that the project has been restructured to work with automated build tools (files have been moved to different folders, and new libraries were created). It supports 'Arduino-Makefile' and 'platformio' (look for instructions in The repo now contains submodules, so make sure that when you pull you use:

git pull --recurse-submodules

and if you clone a fresh copy use: 

git clone --recursive

 That's all for now, in the future I plan to add a webserver feature, most likely with a Raspberry Pi Zero W connected via SPI (there is a webserver branch that uses an ESP8266, but that turned out to be very unreliable and slow)

Stay tuned!


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