
Major update, new feature!

A project log for 'fresca' versatile temperature controller

Control temperature for up to 8 separate processes! Cooling/heating control with humidity sensing. Based on Arduino and DS18B20/DHT22.

leoLeo 05/30/2017 at 09:580 Comments

Hey! Just wanted to let you guys know that I keep working on making this project better. This time there is a new feature as well as new C++ classes. The code has been working for a while and I've just been trying to improve the overall readability and modularity.

The new feature are the Heating Controllers. Now, apart from having an actuator that controls CoolOn/CoolOff thresholds, there is n actuator that changes temperature by making it rise (whatever heating element you connect to your outputs). This means you now have two more thresholds per sensor, HeatOn and HeatOff. Intuitively it's the reverse operation of the Cooling actuator, when temperature falls below the HeatOn threshold, the actuator will activate and will continue active until it rises above the HeatOff threshold. Keep in mind that if the 'Cool' and 'Heat' thresholds overlap the 'Cools' will take precedence (isn't that logical ? :) )

Now you can also enable/disable Cooling or Heating actuators on a per sensor basis (in fresca.ino look for 'g_CoolerEn' and 'g_HeaterEn'). The menu now contains the respective screens to change the new thresholds interactively through the keypad.

The new classes I added aim at offloading some code into separate files and making things more transparent from 'fresca.c' This classes are 'TempActuator' and 'TempController'. 'TempController' instantiates and manages up to two TempActuator classes (one cooling and one heating). The 'TempActuator' class controls the switching of the output actuator as well as the limits for having sensitive thresholds. They both reside in the files 'TempController.c' and ''TempController.h'

That's all for the moment, just also wanted to let you know that in the near future I'm going to add support for a Wifi webserver using an ESP8266 shield, it's exciting!




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