SuperScanner is composed of two parts: SuperScanner Hardware (S2H) y SuperScanner Software (S3). S2H is the low-cost set of pieces and parts, some of them printable, which adds the functionalities of microscope and 3D scanner to a open-source 3D printer, the OneUp. S3 is the open-source and completely free software environment that implement Fourier Ptychography, an imaging technique, to improve the resolution of bright-field microscopes.
SuperScanner Hardware is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license and is hosted by GitHub, and SuperScanner Software is licensed under GPLv2 license and is hosted by Thingiverse.
A sample (simulated) is illuminated with a 9x9 LED matrix. The 81 output pictures make up a set that is the input of Fourier Ptychography (FP) algorithm. FP reconstructs an Hi-Res image of a least 4 times higher resolution.