
Fossil Fuels? No, Biogas!

The societal challenge my project will address is reducing the Earth’s carbon footprint to enhance environmental sustainability. To help dec

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My solution will alleviate the problem of our global carbon footprint because it will recycle a dangerous drug and repurpose it in a way that is not only eliminating detrimental effects of consuming alcohol for recreational use such as alcohol poison, the potential for alcoholism, DUI’s, etc., it will introduce a healthier alternative for fossil fuel production by producing less pollution through combustion. Biogas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases., and may be produced by anaerobic digestion with anaerobic organisms, and organic waste created by living organisms, which digest material through fermentation of biodegradable material. Biogas may also be converted into thermal and electrical energy, executed in natural gas pipelines, and biofertilizer for agricultural maintenance.

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